Friday, May 9, 2008

HGZine Issue 16: Guitar Hero on Tour, SBK 2008, Gauntlet, Space Invaders

In this latest issue of HGZine, you'll find a fantastic combination of the old (revitalised) and the new. There's an interview and review for SBK 2008, and fantastic previews of WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2009, Soul Bubbles, Doctor Who, and masses of others. Then there're previews of the new version of Gauntlet and Space Invaders. Now, some old skoolers may well be shivering at the thought of these, but actually, hang on because both Gauntlet and Space Invaders are looking pretty good. Download the issue here.
And then there's Guitar Hero on Tour. How can GH fit on a DS, we hear you cry? With a brand new controller that fits onto the GBA slot. See how the new game and controller are looking inside.

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